You are writing a report in the category
Supply Chain Due Diligence Act
Concerns risks and violations of human rights or environmental protection in the company’s business area or at its suppliers, as defined in Section 2 of the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz), e.g.: prohibition of child labour, prohibition of forced labour and all forms of slavery, disregard for occupational health and safety and work-related health hazards, disregard of freedom of association - freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining, prohibition of unequal treatment in employment, prohibition of withholding a fair wage, destruction of natural resources through environmental pollution, illegal violation of land rights as well as prohibition on hiring or using private/public security forces that could cause harm due to lack of training or control.
In addition to active contributing to the above mentioned risks and violations, events and situations can also be reported where no intervention has been deliberately taken to prevent them (environmental risks), e.g.: prohibited production, use and/or disposal of mercury, prohibited production and/or use of POPs (‘persistent organic pollutants’) and non-environmentally sound management of waste containing POPs as well as prohibited import/export of hazardous waste. 

How would you like to submit your report?

In any case, after submitting your report, you will be shown automatically generated access data to respond to any queries and to view the progress of the processing.

Please describe the incident

Optional: Voice message

As an alternative or supplement to "Your message", you can record a voice message. You can record up to 5 voice messages. Each voice message can be 3 minutes long.
Record voice message


    Please note: Files often contain hidden information about authors or personal data. Office files (XLS, XLSX, DOC, DOCX, PPT, PPTX), all image formats (JPG, JPEG, GIF, etc), and PDF documents are affected in particular. Make sure you remove this information before uploading!

    Your report will be sent to the following people

    Timo Brüninig
    Leiter Qualitätsmanagement / Head of Quality Management
    Nicola Robers
    Heiko Abendroth
    Franziska Heynk
    Einkauf / Procurement

    Send your report